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Automated Web Application Testing with the Gizmo

This short tutorial should see you through the basic steps necessary to to create automated tests for your web application. We use the bingo plug-in project that was created in the Creating a Web Application with the Gizmo tutorial. So we assume your development workspace is set up and contains the Gizmo plug-ins and the bingo web application plug-in.

Create a Fragment Project for the Tests

Invoke the "File > New... > Project..." command. This will bring the following dialog to the screen.

Select "Fragment Project" from the "Plug-in Development" category. Then click "Next."

In the "Fragment Project" dialog fill in the project name (here "net.heilancoo.bingo.test") and click "Next."

In the "Fragment Content" dialog, fill in "net.heilancoo.bingo" as host plug-in id (and add a few other details as shown in the screen shot above. Then click "Finish" to create the project.

Add Dependency to the Test Fragment

Add plug-in "net.heilancoo.portal.testutils" as a dependency to the bingo test fragment.

Add Test Code

Create Java package "net.heilancoo.bingo.test"

Create a JUnit test class:

Clicking "Finish" in the above dialog will create test case file content like this:

public class BingoApp {

    public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {


Add a call to start the Gizmo web apps so that the file looks like this:

public class BingoApp {

    public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
        PortalTest.startPortal(null, 500);


This will start the web application in the background and wait 500 ms before returning.

Now add a test.

public class BingoApp {

    public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
        PortalTest.startPortal(null, 500);
    public void doLoginTest() throws FailingHttpStatusCodeException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ApplicationException {
        // ===========================================================
        // Log into the web application. This is client side activity.
        HtmlPage loggedIn = AppUtils.doDefaultLogin("", "bingo", "jimmy", "jimmy");
        // ==========================================================
        // Now peep directly into the server side of the application:
        BingoSession s = (BingoSession) PortalTest.getSessionForPage(loggedIn);
        assertEquals(1, s.getAccessCounter());
        // =====================================================
        // Back on the client side. Continue with some activity.
        // ==================================
        // And again inspect the server side:
        assertEquals(2, s.getAccessCounter());
        // =================================
        // Back on the client side. Log out!
        HtmlPage loggedOut = loggedIn.getAnchorByHref("logout").click();
        assertEquals("Logout", loggedOut.getTitleText());
        // =================================
        // The session should now be gone...


Create a Run Configuration to Execute the Test

Use the "Run > Run configurations..." command to bring up the run configurations management dialog.

Press the "New launch configuration" button in the launch configuration dialog and you should see a lauch configuration like the one in the screen shot below.

Press the "Run" button to run the test. The test should succeed.

$Revision: 1.5 $
$Date: 2009/08/04 21:06:23 $
$Author: jbu $

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